Профил на купувача / Buyer Profile



10.02.22  - Call for Invitation to tender under Art. 20, par. 3(2) of the Public Procurement Act for the selection of a subcontractor "COVID-19 impact & new opportunities joint study” and the deliverable “Joint study on COVID-19 impact & opportunities for De Carb regions”, within the project: De Carb: Supporting the clean energy transition of coal-intensive EU regions under the CPV: 75112100-5 - Development project services


01.12.2021Call for Invitation to tender under Art. 20, par. 3(2) of the Public Procurement Act for the selection of a subcontractor Methodology to identify policy management & implementation challenges due to the COVID-19 crisis and identify best policy responses in INNOGROW regions (incl. data collection forms & guidelines)under project " Regional policies for innovation driven competitiveness and growth of rural SMEs  -INNOGROW” - PGI00241, co-funded by INTERREG EUROPE. CPV: 75130000-6


01.12.2021Call for Invitation to tender under Art. 20, par. 3(2) of the Public Procurement Act for the selection of a subcontractor “Joint thematic study on the impact of COVID-19 on rural SMEs’ innovation & growth activities, partners’ policy implementation challenges and pathways for recovery & resilience" Regional policies for innovation driven competitiveness and growth of rural SMEs - INNOGROW” - PGI00241, co-funded by INTERREG EUROPE. CPV: 75200000-8


25.10.2021  - Call for tender with subject Methodology to identify policy management & implementation challenges due to the COVID-19 crisis and identify best policy responses in INNOGROW regions (incl. data collection forms & guidelines)under project " Regional policies for innovation driven competitiveness and growth of rural SMEs  -INNOGROW” - PGI00241, co-funded by INTERREG EUROPE. CPV: 75130000-6


25.10.2021Call for tender for selection of a subcontractor “Joint thematic study on the impact of COVID-19 on rural SMEs’ innovation & growth activities, partners’ policy implementation challenges and pathways for recovery & resilience" Regional policies for innovation driven competitiveness and growth of rural SMEs - INNOGROW” - PGI00241, co-funded by INTERREG EUROPE. CPV: 75200000-8


24.10.2019 - Call for tender with subject “Assessment of territorial-specific economic and social barriers against more sustainable plastic consumption and production patterns”, Activity A1.1, under project "PLASTECO – Supporting EU regions to curb plastics waste and littering” - PGI06169, financed under by INTERREG EUROPE.

 Download documents /English/ 

1. Invitation

2. Template Contract 

3. Templates Hand-over Protocols




24.10.2019 - Call for tender with a subject the following communication activities:

B1.1 “Fine-tuning of the communication strategy”

B2.1 “Development/adaptation and updating of the project's online and electronic resources”

B2.2 “Development of electronic newsletters, poster, brochure, and press releases”

B3.1 “Coordination of online and social media campaigns”

part of the project: "PLASTECO – Supporting EU regions to curb plastics waste and littering” - PGI06169, financed under by INTERREG EUROPE.

 Download documents /English/ 

1. Invitation

2. Template Contract 

3. Template Hand-over Protocol



28.11.2018 - Call for tender with subject"Guidelines for stakeholder group meetings”, under project "Supporting the clean energy transition of coal-intensive EU regions - DeCarb", PGI05587, financed underINTERREG EUROPE programme.

Download documents /English/ 



30.10.2018 - Call for tender with subject "Ex-ante economic and social impact assessment of region’s decarbonisation”, under project "Supporting the clean energy transition of coal-intensive EU regions - DeCarb", PGI05587, financed under INTERREG EUROPE programme.

Download docments /English/




14.06.2016 г. - Процедура за избор на подизпълнител с предмет"Методология за събиране и обмен на добри практики за нови бизнес модели за МСП в селските райони"в рамките на проект "Интелигентна конкурентоспособност и растеж на МСП в селските райони - INNOGROW", финансирана от ЕС, PGI00241, в рамките на програма INTERREG EUROPE 



Договор с подизпълнител 


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