Green Public Procurement to achieve Green Growth
GPP4Growth brings together nine partners from nine countries, to exchange experiences & practices and improve their capacities on implementing resource efficiency policies that promote eco-innovation and green growth through Green Public Procurement (GPP).
Project's news:
- First edition of Newsletter series of the GPP4Growth project, May 2017 29 June 2017
- Second edition of Newsletter series of the GPP4Growth project, December 2017 28 December 2017
- Call for tender: Input study on the "eco-labels and non exclusive GPP practices" workshop 19 January 2018
- Cancellation for tender: Input study on the "eco-labels and non exclusive GPP practices" workshop (2) 26 January 2018
- Call for tender: Input study on the "eco-labels and non exclusive GPP practices" workshop 28 February 2018
- Apply now for Preparing Global Leaders Forum in Bulgaria, scholarships available for top candidates 21 May 2018
- Call for tender: A4.3 - Implementing the Sustainability Strategy (CPV 79420000-4) and the deliverable "Sustainability Plan" 12 June 2018
- 3rd party event report 12 December 2018
- Free webinar for Urban Densification Solutions for achieving Near Zero Energy Buildings 11 March 2019
- An international workshop organized by Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency has been identified as good practice on EU level 27 May 2019
- Fifth edition of Newsletter series of the GPP4Growth project, June 2019 02 July 2019
- Good practice from Bulgaria identified by SZREDA has been approved in the INTERREG Europe platform 02 August 2019
- 6th final stakeholder meeting in Stara Zagora (Bulgaria) for the 6th semester of the GPP4Grwoth project. 25 September 2019
Project objectives
GPP4GROWTH aims to address the challenges and exploit the opportunities related to the adoption of the new EU public procurement system, effective since April 2016. Europe's public authorities consume 14% of the EU GDP on goods, services and works of a total estimated value of EUR 1.8 trillion annually. This purchasing power is now anticipated to promote environmentally friendly and resource–efficient goods and services (e.g. energy efficient electronic and electrical equipment supplies, electricity from renewable energy resources, sustainable construction works, low-emission public transport vehicles, cleaning services using environmentally friendly cleaning products, etc).
For this purpose, GPP4Growth will support public authorities to seize new opportunities for using their purchase power to stimulate eco-innovation, resource efficiency and green growth, mostly by using new award criteria in calls and tenders that pay particular attention to environmental considerations. The updated framework that will emerge is anticipated to address the needs of the territories regarding compliance to the new EU public procurement system.
More specifically the project aims to:
- Increase the capacity of regional administrations to effectively implement resource efficiency policies, applying green public procurement.
- Improve the implementation of national/regional resource efficiency policies, providing incentives to businesses to integrate environmental factors and costs when producing goods and/or providing supplies, services and works.
- Unlock regional/national investments on green public procurement to promote the development of new green products and services.
- Improve regional actors' readiness and create knowledge awareness on the influence of green public procurement on the adoption of sustainable consumption and production patterns by businesses operating in the region.
Expected changes
- Over 7% increase in the number of businesses in partners' regions, integrating environmental factors and costs when producing goods and/or providing supplies, services and works.
- Increased capacity of 200 staff of public administrations to effectively implement resource efficiency policies, applying GPP.
- 10 million Euros of investments unlocked to promote new green products and services development.
- Increased knowledge awareness of over 1000 stakeholders on the influence of GPP on the adoption of sustainable consumption and production patterns by businesses.
Main activities and outputs
- Analysis of the factors that influence businesses to participate in green tenders and contracts
- Evaluation of existing regional and national policies that promote eco-innovation and green growth through GPP.
- Identification of good practices on GPP methods that led to the implementation of green contracts.
- Development of a digital lifecycle costing (LCC) method and resources for all EU public administrations to allow harmonised application of LCC.
- Promotion of interregional learning and capacity building through 3 interregional workshops, 2 existing experience visits, and policy learning events.
- 14 policy briefs to transfer GPP4Growth lessons learnt to public authorities beyond the partnership.
- Joint development of 9 regional action plans to improve the addressed policy instruments.