Dear Partners and Colleagues,
SZ REDA is the leading the De Carb project, which for 5 years united the knowledge, experience and willingness for change and development of 9 transition regions of the EU.
Each of these partner regions has gone its...
DeCarb consortium is happy to announce that DeCarb project was the only 3rd call project that was approved for additional activities within INTERREG Europe's 5th call. Thus, DeCarb team gathered on 14th December 2021 to kick off the additional project...
Dozens of city leaders discussed in Stara Zagora the need for a just energy transition
Mayors from 5 Central and Eastern European countries took part in the 4th Forum of Mayors on a Just Energy Transition. The conference, entitled "New energy...
Coal regions in the Western Balkans, Ukraine and the EU are invited to join an exchange programme to accelerate just local energy transitions. The programme is an opportunity for regions to start direct, one-to-one dialogues, connect with different stakeholders, learn from each other, and transfer...
The European Parliament Liaison Office in Bulgaria and Europe Direct Stara Zagora are pleased to invite you to a hybrid discussion on "The Just Transition Fund and the Bulgarian Coal Regions", which will be held with a limited number of...
On 11/02/2021 (Thursday) from 10:00 to 14:30 in the hall "Zelenika" in the complex, Green Hill SZREDA together with the Black Sea Energy Research Center hosted the 6th meeting of the DeCarb design working group, funded by Interreg Europe and...
The final dissemination event of INNOGROW project, co-financed by the INTERREG Europe program, was held on November 25, 2020. Main aim of the event was the presentation of project's results achieved - progress in the implementation of the Action Plans...
The final dissemination event of INNOGROW project, co-financed by the INTERREG Europe program, was held on November 25, 2020. Main aim of the event was the presentation of project's results achieved - progress in the implementation of the Action Plans...
RES-SKILL: Reskilling coal industry workers for the renewables energy sector
The decarbonisation of the EU27 is expected to result in the loss of ~76k workers’ jobs in coal mines & plants until 2025 (154k until 2030). Partnership countries (GR, DE, AT...
RES-SKILL: Reskilling coal industry workers for the renewables energy sector
The decarbonisation of the EU27 is expected to result in the loss of ~76k workers’ jobs in coal mines & plants until 2025 (154k until 2030). Partnership countries (GR, DE, AT...
On September 28, 2020, the Regional Economic Development Agency StaraZagora (DeCarb project funded by Interreg Europe) in cooperation with the Black Sea Energy Research Center (TRACER project, funded by Horizon 2020) and David Holding Inc. (GreenDC project, funded by Horizon...
The INNOCAT consortium is launching the project’s pilot activities in participating Regional Innovation Scheme countries, with the aim to diffuse its innovative technology in the domain of recycling and substitution of PGMs in automotive catalysts, contributing at the same time...
45+ годишните в сърцето на Европа
В ЕС най-високите нива на дългосрочна безработица засягат хората, които не са завършили гимназия или нямат дигитални умения. Тази част от населението нароява 74 милиона граждани...
Официален интернет сайт на проекта: https://www.interregeurope.eu/plasteco/
Широко разпространеното замърсяване с пластмаса налага реакция на регионите на ЕС за справяне с нарастващите опасения за околната среда и здравето на...
The meeting was held on 19 of September (Thursday) in the meeting room of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Stara Zagora The meeting was attended by 10 local stakeholders, representatives from the Stara Zagora Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Green...
The team of Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency (SZREDA) received recognition for its work. A good practice that has been identified by the Agency in the scope of the GPP4Growth project has been approved and uploaded in the website...
In July 2019, on the island of Terceira, part of the Azores archipelago, the autonomous region of Portugal, the students Adriana Raykova from the FLSS Roman Roland, Ivan Basamakov from the MSS Geo Milev and Vera Tzoneva and Zhivko Petkov...
The team of Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency (SZREDA), as the leading partner of the DeCarb project (9 partners from eight EU countries), received approval for an identified second good practice from Bulgaria within the framework of the project...
Dear reader,
Welcome to the fifth edition of the Newsletter series of the GPP4Growth project!
GPP4Growth is a European project funded by the INTERREG Europe Programme that aims to create opportunities for public authorities to stimulate eco-innovation, resource efficiency & green growth...
Venelin Dobrev from SZREDA presented the development of the activities and results of the INNOGROW project co-financed by INTERREG Europe during a meeting on the project "Entreprerurial Leaders in Action", which took place in Stara Zagora on 20.06.
Venelin Dobrev presented...
As part with the implementation of the DeCarb project, the team of SZREDA organized the second Stakeholder group meeting to present the opportunities and prospects that the above project provides. The event was held on 10.05.2019 (Friday) at 10.30 am...
Decarb Newsletter 2 content:
The team of Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency (SZREDA) received recognition for its work. An international workshop that generated zero waste as an event was published as a good practice in the INTERREG Europe Platform platform that aims to...
Venelin Dobrev from the SZREDA gave presentation of the activities and results of the INNOGROW project, co-funded by the INTERREG Europe program during the award ceremony of innovative farms as part of the "Future Leaders of Agriculture" campaign that promotes...
Decarb Newsletter 1 content:
Venelin Dobrev from the team of SZREDA, Bulgaria took part in the group discussion for the third party event „UK Industrial Strategy: Progressing Rural Contributions. Hosted by Rural Enterprise UK" which was organized in Urban Science Building, Newcastle University on...
The provision of business support services in the form of advisory and technical assistance is considered a key enabler for sustainable SMEs development, allowing companies to increase their competitiveness and capacity to access new markets. The mission of the 1st...
This brief communicates the lessons learned from a series of INNOGROW research and expertise exchange activities focusing on rural SMEs innovative growth. Specifically, it discusses two specific topics related to creating favorable conditions for SMEs to adopt innovative technologies and...
Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency (SZREDA) has received approval for two more good practices from Bulgaria under the INNOGROW project, co-funded by INTERREG Europe. The number of localized good practices is one of the key objectives of the project...
The policy brief in hand presents the highlights of INNOGROW study activity on the enablers and barriers of innovation adoption by rural economy SMEs. The main issues presented are drawn from the survey that was conducted by project partners in...