Social Entrepreneurship Strategy Planning (SESP)
PROJECT DURATION: 1 October 2011 – 30 September 2013 (24 months)
The SESP project intends to transfer a developed innovative learning models and (e-) learning content which are flexible enough to address the specific needs of the Social Entrepreneurship (time and place flexibility), are adoptable and modular (different backgrounds, sectors) and reflect the practical needs of the end users. The project intends to upgrade the developed under Strategy-Train learning model on enterprise strategy and strategic management for decision-makers in SMEs. The intangible outcome of the SESP project is innovation of the available curriculum and training programmes, which will be adapted to address specific Social Entrepreneurship needs in strategic planning. The target group is also approached throughout good practice examples and case studies.
SESP focuses on managers / decision-makers of social enterprises, regardless of the sector to which they belong.
- Primary target group: Managers / owners / decision-makers of social enterprises
- Secondary target group: Educational institutions, trainers, tutors, coaches, consultants
Social enterprises (SE) in EU represent 2 million enterprises (10% of all European businesses) and employ over 11 million employees (the equivalent of 6% of the working population of the EU). SE are present in almost every sector of the economy, such as banking, insurance, agriculture, craft, commercial services, health and social services etc. In their majority SE are from the SMEs category. The main difference is that SE are characterised by a strong personal involvement of its members in the management of the company and the absence of seeking profits in order to remunerate shareholders capital. SEs are set up to fulfil social needs, generate employment, tackle poverty, encourage local economic development, promote citizen participation in policy-making processes, integrate disadvantaged groups into the labour market, innovate production and provision of goods and services, and yield social added value.
In Commission's enterprise policy is pointed that "The so-called Social Economy, including cooperatives, mutual societies, foundations and social enterprises, provides a wide range of products and services across Europe and generates millions of jobs". SE are part of this policy aiming at promoting enterprises, in general and more specifically SMEs, independently of their business form. The actions foreseen in the Small Business Act for Europe, also benefit SE to face the challenges arising out of globalisation, rapid technological change and global economic downturn.
In order to be able to respond to the changing global economic environment, those enterprises which look to the future and which plan strategically have a competitive advantage over their competitors. Strategic planning is considered one of the most important indicators for innovation and development processes, balanced growth and strengthening of a company's profile.
The general aim of the SESP Project is to contribute to the development of Social Entrepreneurship across the EU by transfer of innovative products and processes and exchange of good practice. Therefore, during the SESP project, will be identified the driving forces for the development of Social Entrepreneurship in participant countries as well as on the European level. New solutions for the SE sector for sustainable development and job creation by implementing pilot innovative training instruments will also be found. SE will participate to the on-line based learning platform allowing them to cooperate across borders, exchange case studies and communicate.
The main outcomes of the SESP project phases are:
Cross-cultural analysis: Throughout National Researches giving a clear picture of the state of the art of SEs in participating countries and of the conditions on EU level affecting their development;
Learning model: Based on existing good practices and the needs of SEs a learning model combining collaborative e-learning methods, community approaches and on-site training, outlined in a detailed report, serving as the basis for the implementation of the e-learning modules and the necessary e-collaboration tools as well as the tutors' instructions;
SESP Curriculum and Content: Adapted curriculum and relevant learning content on SE strategy assembled for the on-site sessions as well as for the e-learning modules;
Instructions for Trainers: A detailed documentation for tutors and trainers guaranteeing the transferability of the elaborated learning modules and materials;
Training Modules: Adapted modular course programme consisting of different learning blocks which are relevant to the target group.