DEADLINE: August 5, 2011
AMOUNT OF FINANCING: Total budget of the scheme - BGN 11,000,000.
· Minimum amount of the grant - BGN 50,000
· Maximum amount of the grant - BGN 200,000
The current grant procedure does not require the applicant's own participation (co-financing).
The de minimis rules will apply under this scheme.
Eligible applicants under this grant scheme
financial assistance are:
· Educational institutions;
· Training institutions / organizations;
· Employers;
· Vocational guidance centers;
· Non-governmental organizations.
To be eligible, the applicant must also meet the following requirements:
1. The applicant must be registered in accordance with applicable national law;
2. The applicant shall meet the requirements for public funding, in accordance with the provisions relating to the minimum aid, in accordance with the conditions of Section 2.2.2. from the application guidelines;
3. The candidate cannot be a state / central and / or territorial / and / or municipal administration;
4. The applicant must carry out activity on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria in accordance with the current Bulgarian legislation;
5. The applicant, when applying in his capacity of VTC, should have a license from NAVET for the professions and / or specialties in which the training will be conducted;
6. The candidate, when applying in his capacity as an educational institution, should be established by an act of the respective competent body according to the Bulgarian legislation;
7. The representatives of the training team should meet the state requirements for carrying out the relevant adult training;
8. Where the applicant is an employer, he / she should fill in a declaration in advance stating the need for a specific skilled workforce and committing himself / herself to providing an internship opportunity for a period of three months to all successfully completed representatives of the target group;
9. Where the applicant is not an employer, there should be a prior agreement with the employer for the needs of a specific skilled workforce and a commitment from the employer to provide an internship opportunity for a period of three months to all successfully completed representatives of the target group;
10. Where an applicant is a non-governmental organization applying for a grant scheme, they should have at least 2 years of experience in activities related to the promotion of the inclusion of vulnerable persons in the market for
integration of vulnerable groups and / or vulnerable ethnic groups, which should be described in detail in the Application Form
11. The applicant should be directly responsible for the management and implementation of the project activities, and not to act as an intermediary, as evidenced by the distribution of activities and the distribution of funds in the budget of the applicant and the partner.
Under this call for proposals, the Applicant may participate individually or in partnership.
When a non-governmental organization is not a Candidate, it must be included as a Partner.
Eligible activities under this grant scheme:
· Identification of the discouraged persons among the marginalized communities (especially in the areas with compact Roma population), as the activity must be performed by an NGO, regardless of whether it is a candidate or a project partner;
· During the implementation of the activity the beneficiaries should develop / apply an adequate methodology for carrying out the identification, a real product describing it should be applied for reporting, as well as documents (surveys, interviews, etc. with the representatives of the target group) certifying the real implementation of the activity.
· Motivational training for the discouraged persons for registration in the Directorates of Labor Office and inclusion in training and employment programs. The activity should be provided in the project proposal, and the training itself will be carried out by employees in the respective Directorate "Labor Office".
· Development and adaptation of special training courses and programs;
· Providing training:
Ø for acquiring or raising the professional qualification according to the List of professions to not higher than second degree of professional qualification;
Ø for acquisition of key competencies. Trainings in the following areas of key competencies are eligible:
• Communication in foreign languages.
• Mathematical competence and basic knowledge in the field of natural sciences and technologies.
• Digital competence.
• Learning ability.