1. Who seeks finds
Only persistent search can lead you to success. Often its more important to know who to ask, rather than how to do it. The only way to find out whom to contact is to make the necessary researches.
2. Courtship before submitting a project proposal.
Just as you would not propose marriage to someone before you are sure that you are good for one another, you must be sure that you and the donor (the source of funding) "fit" before submitting a project proposal.
3. Address the project proposal properly.
Your proposal must stick to donor policy and your aimes must be stated clear enough. As a rule, unclear application forms do not lead to

4. If you have successfully handled money in the past, then you will do it again.
Organizations tend to allocate resources where others have already been granted. Co-financing and the availability of other completed projects make donor to look more favorably on your organization and thus increase your chances of grant.
5. When you ask for funding, assume that the answer is positive.
A good trader never says: "if you buy it." But rather "by buying it." Remember that the experts who reviewed your project and evaluate it are there to discover good organizations to be funded. If they have to allocate funds to a good projects, there is no reason why not this good project to be yours, once you have completed all the rest work.
6. "Is it complicated? - Check and if it is  - in the trash bin throw it! "
Most projects are checked out in a quick review in order to retrieve basic information. If necessary and important information can easily be found in a cursory reading, writing, and throw again.
7. Calculate correctly.
Do not make the financial expert in charge of evaluating your project to send you back in first grade – please use Excel to its full functionality. Budget in which the sum of the units does not correspond to the lump sum, will make the donor organization doubt in your ability to handle money and your chance of getting funded decreases.
8. Use simple words.
Professional jargon and technically sound language rarely impress the reader. Plain and clear expression is preferred.
9. Do not take rejection personally.
Rejection of project proposal is hard to accept, especially for very sensitive people, but it must be understood more as a challenge. If you receive a “No”, accept it as "Try again". Persistence usually pays off.
10. No matter how many times have you thanked, do it again.
Thank you letter provides a further opportunity representative of the funding organization to remember the candidate - you. In the future they will be more inclined to grant you again or to give a positive opinion of your organization if asked from another donor.