


Programme:   LIFE+


General information

SITRANS is an EU-funded project which will promote a place-based governance approach and tailor-made transformative policies in areas that are intensely experiencing the phase-out of coal. By assessing the socio-economic impact of the energy transition, SITRANS will develop an effective governance model based on the principle of “leaving no one behind”. The results of these actions will lead to the creation of a Just Energy Transition Observatory (JETO), the aim of which will be to design, host and monitor evaluation models based on predefined indicators and criteria.

Duration: 30 months

Project website:





Fondazione ICONS

LAORE – Sardegna Agricoltura



University of Western Macedonia (UoWM) – Project Coordinator              



The main objective of SITRANS is to promote the place-based governance approach and tailor-made transformative policies in areas that are intensely experiencing the phase-out of coal.

The project addresses the complex nature of decarbonisation in coal regions. To do this, it will consider the socio-economic and environmental factors at play in this process and develop a robust framework to involve residents in decision-making. The ultimate aim is a just transition. Such an endeavour requires improved governance at all levels by empowering public and private stakeholders, especially through participative governance models.



SITRANS knows what it wants to achieve in areas where the clean energy transition is particularly challenging. The project also knows what it takes.

The theory of change lies at the heart of this project. As such, SISTRANS looks at how change will be brought about.

A bottom-up approach will be used to ensure a Just Transition Mechanism, drawing on public and/or private funding


1. Shift to a low-carbon economy: SITRANS aims to enable people and regions involved in the project to address the shift to a low-carbon economy.

2. Economic and social impacts of such a transition: SITRANS aims to align local/regional strategies with the clean energy transition to mitigate social, employment, economic and environmental impacts of the transition.

3. Bottom-up and just transition governance approach with local stakeholders and citizens: SITRANS encourages a place-based approach and strong citizen engagement in the governance structure and decision-making processes.

4. Building capacity and understanding amongst key stakeholders & citizens: SITRANS invests in building capacity and understanding amongst key stakeholders with a view to fostering a participative decision-making culture at the local/regional level.

5. Transition towards an energy-efficient, renewable energy-based economy: SITRANS addresses key pillars of the energy transition: energy efficiency and renewable energy. In regions and localities, they can foster fairer energy, solidarity and community solutions. They can also help to protect vulnerable consumer groups from energy poverty.

6. An inclusive, consumer and community-centred approach: SITRANS works on detailing and tailoring on national energy poverty measures through the National Energy and Climate Plans of each member state.

7. Implementing the sustainable energy-related elements of their local and/or regional just transition plans: SITRANS brings together evidence-based and place-based policies supported by the regional authorities in order to accelerate impact investing.

8. Combining the support provided by the Just Transition Mechanism and/or other sources of available funding: SITRANS promotes local coordination to support transformative projects which seek to attract private and community-based funding.


The project seeks to support the shift away from coal by helping to ensure a fair distribution of the costs, benefits and risks among key stakeholders. Ultimately the aim is for society as a whole to benefit and to minimise any negative effects of change.

The result will be a sustainable development apparatus for improved inclusive and place-based governance at all levels, by empowering the public and private stakeholders and by involving civil society.

SITRANS will promote a Just Energy Transition through an inclusive and place-based approach to governance in areas that are intensely experiencing the phase-out of coal. In this respect, the project’s outcome is Public and Citizen engagement for Deliberative Democracy & Impact Investing.



Stay tuned
