Проект Еразъм + Act 45


45+ годишните в сърцето на Европа




В ЕС най-високите нива на дългосрочна безработица засягат хората, които не са завършили гимназия или нямат дигитални умения. Тази част от населението нароява 74 милиона граждани в Европа. Почти 60% от тях са на възраст над 45 години и са най-трудно достижими, въпреки че именно те се нуждаят най-много от обучение през целия живот. За да отговори на тези предизвикателства, проект Act45 има за цел да разработи и изпробва интегрирана рамка за сътрудничество между организациите на гражданското общество (НПО), работодателите и
доставчиците на обучения, насърчаваща индивидуално разработена мотивация и стратегии за ангажиране на участието на безработни нискоквалифицирани възрастни над 45 години в обучение за основни и меки умения..
Търсейки решения, 5 НПО от Гърция, Италия, Испания и България се обединиха, за да създадат и реализират проект, който се стреми да намери решения, които да се справят холистично с проблема. Страните на партньорите бяха повлияни от икономическата криза и имат традиционно високи нива на безработица. Консорциумът е съставен от ActionAid Hellas, АРИР – Стара Загора, INE GSEE, RETE, Action Against Hunger.

Проектът Act45 е финансиран от Европейския съюз.


Act45 brochure


Act45 brochure 2


  • ActionAid Hellas е филиал на ActionAid International в Гърция. Има опит в овластяването на уязвими групи от хора, предоставя персонализирани напътствия и обучение за основни умения.
  • Агенция за регионално икономическо развитие - Стара Загора работи с бизнеса, местните власти и гражданското общество за икономическото развитие и европейска интеграция на Област Стара Загора.
  • INE GSEE предоставя научна обосновка относно интервенциите, свързани с труда, както и обучението на социално уязвими групи в Гърция.
  • Action Against Hunger е голяма неправителствена организация в Испания, която работи за овластяване, обучение и пригодност за работа на уязвими хора в 10 региона на страната.
  • RETE NGO е неправителствена организация в Италия, която работи за социалното и трудовото приобщаване на хора в неравностойно положение и предоставя курсове за дигитални умения, адаптирани за по-възрастни нискоквалифицирани лица.
  • Конфедерацията на Датските работодатели е асоцииран партньор, към който членуват 14 работодателски организации и 28 000 частни компании.


Основните цели на проекта са:
1. Създаване на ефективна рамка за сътрудничество между НПО, работодатели, търговски палати и доставчици на обучение, които ще насърчават пригодността за работа на целевата група 

2. Иницииране на промени в политиките, насърчаващи целевата група да участва в обучения 

3. Създаване на стратегии за мотивация и ангажираност на нискоквалифицирани безработни, за участието им в обучения и за насърчаване на социално-трудовото им включване 

По време на изпълнението на този проект ще опитаме да създадем мрежа от представители на НПО, работодатели, търговски палати и доставчици на обучение, които да улеснят процеса на достъп до трудова заетост на целевата група. За постигането на тази цел, ще бъде създадено ръководство, което включва методология, инструменти и изследвания, които ще използваме, за да улесним и да насърчим и други НПО да възприемат подобен начин на работа. В допълнение, ще бъдат събрани и разпространени добри практики, а също така ще бъдат създадени и популяризирани насоки за работодателите в подкрепа на участието им в обучителни инициативи.



В ЕС, хората над 45 години незавършили гимназия или без дигитални умения са тези, които обикновено са част от най-високия процент на безработица. И все пак, често тези хора нямат достъп до допълнително образование, за да могат да прекъснат порочния цикъл, който ги държи без работа. Така че подкрепата им за участие в релевантни обучения е от съществено значение за намаляване на риска от социално изключване.

Act45 търси решения чрез създаване на схеми за сътрудничество между организациите на гражданското общество (НПО), работодателите, търговските палати и доставчиците на обучение в България, Гърция, Италия и Испания, т.е. страни, засегнати от икономическата криза, с цел създаване на ефективни местни екосистеми, насърчаващи участието във възможности за обучение.

За да мотивира хората над 45 години и да ги доведе до успешна заетост, Act45 ще идентифицира НПО-та и доставчици на обучение, които вече си сътрудничат с работодатели и нискоквалифицирани лица. Идеята е да се акцентира върху положителния ефект и ползите от повишаване на квалификацията, както и да се улеснят връзките с реалния пазар на труда. В проект Act45 ще се проведат проучвания, ще се създадат конкретни методологии, специално разработени стратегии, нови партньорства, насоки и наръчници, включвайки различни заинтересовани страни, за да бъде постигната крайната цел, а именно да се подобри социалното трудово приобщаване.

В рамките на проекта Act45 ще проведем проучване, за да проучим причините за ниското участие на безработни хора на възраст над 45 години в процеса на обучение през целия живот. Проучването ще включва и интервюта с безработни хора над 45 години, които нямат достатъчно умения за четене, смятане или работа с компютър. Това ще ни позволи да идентифицираме наличните пречки за участието им в процеса и да определим критериите за тяхното включване в подобен тип програми. В допълнение, фокус групите с работодатели ще хвърлят светлина върху предизвикателствата и възможностите пред тази инициатива и ще предложат стратегии за мотивация за привличане и улесняване интеграцията на хора от настоящата целева група в пазара на труда.

Освен това ще си партнираме с организации на гражданското общество (НПО), работодатели и доставчици на обучение, като се стремим да създадем ефективна рамка, която да насърчава заетостта. В този контекст програмата ще популяризира добри практики, като същевременно разработва насоки и наръчници за всички заинтересовани страни.
Част от процеса ще се фокусира и върху тестване и проучване на добри практики за мобилизиране и стратегии за ангажиране чрез създаване на пилотна програма.
В допълнение, ще бъде създадена платфо за рмаразпространение и изпълнение на програмата от други заинтересовани страни, обмен на идеи и опит по време на изпълнението и предложения за идеи за подобряване и заздравяване на мрежата.


Резултатите от Act45 ще бъдат разпространени чрез мултиплициращи събития и организиране на Европейска конференция.

Изследване на изискванията и факторите влияещи върху ангажирането на възрастни нискоквалифицирани безработни (а именно хора на възраст 45+ години) в обучения. Това ще осигури на НПО и обучители по-голямо разбиране за нуждите на тази група и ще ги улесни при разработването на по-атрактивни програми за обучение и овластяване.

Разработване на интегрирана рамка за сътрудничество на всички заинтересовани страни и специфични инструменти за овластяване на служителите на НПО при установяване на
ефективно сътрудничество с работодатели и доставчици на обучение, както и мотивиране на потенциални обучаеми лица.

Проучване на съществуващите добри практики на пазара на труда и създаване на насоки, които ще подкрепят ангажираността на работодателите в инициативи за обучение на
безработни нискоквалифицирани възрастни лица.

Тестване на мотивационните стратегии и образователните инструменти, създаване на мрежа от последователи на Act45 и хранилище за резултатите от оценката на въздействието. Това ще насърчи приемането на резултатите от проекта и ще подкрепи създателите на политики при разработването на възможности за заетост и повишаване
на квалификацията за нискоквалифицирани възрастни безработни лица.

Project's news:





Официален интернет сайт на проекта: https://www.interregeurope.eu/plasteco/ 


Широко разпространеното замърсяване с пластмаса налага реакция на регионите на ЕС за справяне с нарастващите опасения за околната среда и здравето на хората. PLASTECO е проект, изготвен в съответствие с „Европейската стратегия за пластмаси в кръговата икономика“, ще подкрепи регионите, участници в проекта да предприемат необходимите стъпки за преход към „нова икономика на пластмасите“. Фокусът на проекта ще бъде върху напредъка в управлението на отпадъците, ограничаване на пластмаси за еднократна употреба от регионални вериги на стойност, стимулирайки растеж чрез екоиновации.

Проектът PLASTECO ще обхване следните области: управление на отпадъците, обществени поръчки, финансиране / инвестиции, вторични суровини и повишаване на осведомеността.

Към кои стратегически документи е насочен PLASTECO на територията на България:


Оперативна програма “Околна среда” 2014 - 2020 



 ОП „Околна среда“ 2014-2020 включва цели за подбряване капацитетът за управление на отпадъците, в съответствие с националните инструменти и инструментите на ЕС и приоритетите за устойчив растеж. ОП подкрепя инвестиции по 6 приоритетни оси. Приоритетна ос 2 - подкрепа за мерки за подобряване на управлението на битовите отпадъци, както е посочено в Националния план за управление на отпадъците и Пътната карта на ЕС за ефективност на ресурсите (O3.1, 3.2, 4.1) и в други национални политики и политики на ЕС. Основната цел на ОП е прилагането на мерки за предотвратяване на отпадъци и инвестиции в опазване на околната среда, включително повторна употреба, рециклиране и оползотворяване, за да се намалят количествата отпадъци.

Какво може да се подобри в идентифицирания стратегически документ:

Националната цел за рециклиране до 2020 г. може да бъде постигната чрез мерки, насочени към пластмасовите отпадъци, специално поради широкото им използване както при производството, така и при потреблението. Предотвратяването на депозиране а пластмасов отпадъци в околната среда,  повторната употреба и рециклирането на пластмасови отпадъци изисква интегрирането на подход познат като „кръгова“ икономика, както е посочено в „Европейската стратегия за пластмаси в кръговата икономика“. Ефективността на ОП “околна среда” 2014 - 2020, може да бъде повишена по отношение на намаляване на критичната маса на пластмасови отпадъци за многократна употреба и / или нерециклирани пластмаси, които представляват по-голямата част от твърдите замърсители на околната среда. Повишаването на междусекторните взаимодействия с цел намаляване, а в някои случаи дори прекратяване на депонирането на пластмасови отпадъци обратно в околната среда, се очаква да бъде ефективен начин за постигане на целта на ОП за намаляване на антропогенното въздействие върху околната среда.


Партньори в проекта - организации от 8 държави:


  • Община Ретимно, o. Крит, Гърция - водещ партньор по проекта 


  • Агенция за регионално икономическо развитие - Стара Загора, България - комуникационен партньор по проекта


  • Агенция за регионално развитие на Букурещ-Илфов, Румъния


  • Регион Стирия, Австрия 


  • Асоциация на балтийските брегове, Латвия


  • Клъстер на екологични технологии, провинция Бавария, Германия


  • Регион Ломбардия, Италия 


  • Регионална агенция за енергетика и околна среда на региона Оверн-Рона-Алпи, Франция 




PLASTECO ще подкрепи 8 партниращи организации от 8 държави на ЕС чрез съвместни усилия за обмен на опит, за да се възползват от инерцията на стратегията на ЕС в областта на употребата на пластмаса и да постигнат целите си по отношение на опазване на околната среда, увеличаване на ефективността на ресурсите, ограничаване на ефектите върху здравето и стимулиране на иновациите. PLASTECO ще даде възможност на партньорите и основните заинтересовани страни да:


- направят оценка на настоящата ситуация, потенциал и бариери в техните региони;

  - идентифициране на пътища за устойчив растеж чрез регионални вериги на стойност, стимулирайки растеж чрез екоиновации.

  - разработване и въвеждане в действие на нови мерки и разпоредби;



Изпълнението на проекта PLASTECO ще:


- доведе до увеличаване на капацитета от 180 служители на публичните администрации за ефективно подпомагане на мерките за ограничаване на пластмасата. 


- да се осигури достъп до допълнителни 19 милиона евро за подкрепа на проекти за повторна употреба на пластмаси, екоиновации, алтернативни технологии;


- да се повиши информираността и да се постигане консенсус между производителите на пластмаса и потребителите/обществеността;




- изготвени 8 плана за действие за подобряване на политиките в областта на пластмасата, с фокус подпомагането на на управляващите органи и заинтересованите страни; 


- 4 междурегионални семинара, 2 учебни посещения и 2 съвместни процедури за преглед на стратегически документи за насърчаване на изграждането на капацитет сред партньорите и заинтересованите страни;


- 3 съвместни тематични проучвания на потребностите на регионите, част от проекта и обмяна на добри практики;




Project's news:







Web: http://www.interregeurope.eu/decarb/




The low-carbon energy shift of EU economies will have a profound economic & social impact on regions extensively involved in coal value chains. It is however acknowledged that this transition needs to be fair; EC’s "Clean Energy For All Europeans" package was set in place to speed the clean energy transition and growth & job creation. To this end, DeCarb will support public authorities to initiate efforts, join forces and exchange experiences to: a) identify growth strategies to mitigate the impact of decarbonisatoin, b) make the most of EU funds & financing tools, and c) promote public dialogue on conflicting interests.


1,807,739.00 EURO


01.06.2018 - 31.05.2023



Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency (LP) - Bulgaria

Lodzkie Region - Poland

ENEREA Eszak-Alfold Regional Energy Agency Nonprofit Ltd - Hungary

South-West Oltenia Regional Development Agency - Romania

Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, State of Brandenburg - Germany

House of Energy - Denmark

Regional Association of Local Governments of Western Macedonia - Greece

Energy Agency of Savinjska, Saleska and Koroska Region - Slovenia

Extremadura Energy Agency - Spain

Policy instruments:

  1. Regional Plan for Development of Southeastern Region 2014-2020 (NUTS 2 Region), Policy implemented through OP "Regions in Growth" 2014-2020
  2. ROP of Lodzkie Voivodeship 2014-2020
  3. Environmental and Energy-Efficieny Operational Programme
  4. Regional Operational Programme
  5. Brandenburg Energy Strategy 2030
  6. National Operational Programme for the European Regional Development Fund, 2014–2020 DENMARK
  7. Regional Operational Programme of Western Macedonia
  8. Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in the Period 2014-2020
  9. ROP ERDF 2014-2020 Extremadura



DeCarb brings together 9 partners (9 countries), to exchange experiences & transfer knowledge on how to transition from the carbon-intensive era towards the clean energy future. It will support regions to secure sustainable development, economic & societal stability, and a role in the 2030 energy mix.


DeCarb will support regions to secure sustainable development in a low-carbon economy, and in particular to: a) advance through the clean energy transition, limiting detrimental impact on economic & societal stability, b) assess regional specificities, putting forth development & innovation policies to stimulate growth, and c) meet CO2 targets and secure a role in the 2030 energy mix.


1. Increase the knowledge & capacities of public authorities on growth pathways beyond coal, and secure energy security & stability

2. Support the development of plans to create jobs to counteract the coal industry contraction, and analyse territorial impact to specify labour re-skilling and post mining land use needs

3. Promote public dialogue to resolve conflicts & build consensus on the clean energy transition, involving the energy sector, social partners, and the citizens

4. Raise awareness on the importance to plan ahead and implement measures for the new energy mix



- Increased capacity of 200 staff of public administrations to effectively support new growth trajectories & energy security 

- ~19 million euros unlocked to support projects on renewables, reskilling of the workforce, and post-mining land use 

- Increased awareness & consensus building among the energy sector, the workforce, and citizens, to support measures for the clean energy transition (over 1000 individuals).



Project's news:


Creating conditions for entrepreneurship development in Southeast Region

NAME: Creating conditions for entrepreneurship development in Southeast Region (Creating conditions for entrepreneurship development in Southeast Region)


The specific objectives are focused on:

- Informing and motivating 220 unemployed, inactive and working people wishing to develop their own business;

- Providing a complex of trainings and services to 162 unemployed, inactive and working, incl. young people up to 29 years to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for starting, managing and developing a real business;

- Providing support for starting a real business and finding appropriate sources of funding through access to services and mentoring for business development for 108 representatives of the target group of the project.


The project will be implemented in all districts on the territory of the Southeast region - Burgas, Sliven, Stara Zagora and Yambol and will be aimed at persons wishing to start an independent business, incl. unemployed, inactive or working, incl. young people up to 29 years Out of the total number of 220 persons from the indicated target group included in the project, it is envisaged that not less than 65% will be unemployed and / or inactive and / or unemployed young people under the age of 29. The project will also cover 77 employees.


It is widely recognized that new companies and entrepreneurs are important for innovation, job creation and economic development in Europe. In recent years, interest in the socio-economic phenomenon of "entrepreneurship" has grown significantly worldwide. This is a result of awareness of its role as a driving force of social development. The role of entrepreneurship is growing as a result of the globalization of economic life However, traditional education and training systems in Europe have long been unsupported by entrepreneurship and self-employment, and as attitudes are formed in early childhood, education systems need to contribute more to the development of entrepreneurial skills and attitudes. The introduction of the discipline Entrepreneurship has started in Bulgaria in the last 2-3 years, but at this stage there is a strong shortage of trained staff. raising inform self-employment as a career opportunity, as well as creating a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship should not only be seen as a means of creating a new business, but as a general mindset that supports innovative, entrepreneurial behavior that can be useful in everyday life as well as in different work environments.


The overall goal of the project is to create supportive and favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in the Southeast region and the promotion of self-employment. To achieve the set goals, activities will be implemented, including:

1. Informing and motivating for the development of independent economic activity and entrepreneurship;

2. Providing trainings related to the development of entrepreneurial, managerial and business knowledge and skills and development of business ideas and business plans for management of independent economic activity (specialized trainings);

3. Provision of consulting services for preparation for self-employment, and support activities


The direct result of the current activity is the consolidation and upgrading of acquired knowledge and skills, as well as the readiness and confidence to start their own business of the persons from the target group included in the program.



GPP4Growth – Green Public Procurement to achieve Green Growth

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Green Public Procurement to achieve Green Growth

GPP4Growth brings together nine partners from nine countries, to exchange experiences & practices and improve their capacities on implementing resource efficiency policies that promote eco-innovation and green growth through Green Public Procurement (GPP).

Project's news:



Project objectives

GPP4GROWTH aims to address the challenges and exploit the opportunities related to the adoption of the new EU public procurement system, effective since April 2016. Europe's public authorities consume 14% of the EU GDP on goods, services and works of a total estimated value of EUR 1.8 trillion annually. This purchasing power is now anticipated to promote environmentally friendly and resource–efficient goods and services (e.g. energy efficient electronic and electrical equipment supplies, electricity from renewable energy resources, sustainable construction works, low-emission public transport vehicles, cleaning services using environmentally friendly cleaning products, etc).

For this purpose, GPP4Growth will support public authorities to seize new opportunities for using their purchase power to stimulate eco-innovation, resource efficiency and green growth, mostly by using new award criteria in calls and tenders that pay particular attention to environmental considerations. The updated framework that will emerge is anticipated to address the needs of the territories regarding compliance to the new EU public procurement system.

More specifically the project aims to:

  • Increase the capacity of regional administrations to effectively implement resource efficiency policies, applying green public procurement.
  • Improve the implementation of national/regional resource efficiency policies, providing incentives to businesses to integrate environmental factors and costs when producing goods and/or providing supplies, services and works.
  • Unlock regional/national investments on green public procurement to promote the development of new green products and services.
  • Improve regional actors' readiness and create knowledge awareness on the influence of green public procurement on the adoption of sustainable consumption and production patterns by businesses operating in the region.

Expected changes

  • Over 7% increase in the number of businesses in partners' regions, integrating environmental factors and costs when producing goods and/or providing supplies, services and works.
  • Increased capacity of 200 staff of public administrations to effectively implement resource efficiency policies, applying GPP.
  • 10 million Euros of investments unlocked to promote new green products and services development.
  • Increased knowledge awareness of over 1000 stakeholders on the influence of GPP on the adoption of sustainable consumption and production patterns by businesses.

Main activities and outputs

  • Analysis of the factors that influence businesses to participate in green tenders and contracts
  • Evaluation of existing regional and national policies that promote eco-innovation and green growth through GPP.
  • Identification of good practices on GPP methods that led to the implementation of green contracts.
  • Development of a digital lifecycle costing (LCC) method and resources for all EU public administrations to allow harmonised application of LCC.
  • Promotion of interregional learning and capacity building through 3 interregional workshops, 2 existing experience visits, and policy learning events.
  • 14 policy briefs to transfer GPP4Growth lessons learnt to public authorities beyond the partnership.
  • Joint development of 9 regional action plans to improve the addressed policy instruments.

INNOGROW (Regional policies for innovation driven comptetitiveness and growth of rural SMEs)

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The project INNOGROW (Regional policies for innovation driven comptetitiveness and growth of rural SMEs) aims to provide regional supprt to engage the rural economoy SMEs in innovation. Ussualy, the rural economy SMEs face big challenges in adopting innovation in order to increase their competitiveness. Regional polcyes need to address and coresspondingly support the diffusion of innovative solutions and new business models that will lead to increasement in productivity and will provide access to new markets. INNOGROW regions are called to play an important role in supporting the modernisation of the already existing rural SMEs and the proliferation of innovative startups.

In order to achieve its objective, the INNOGROW project brings together nine partners from eight countries, involving the managing authorities & regional bodies influencing regional and national policy instruments, to exchange experiences & practices, and to improve their capacity on implementing policies that promote the adoption of technology and business model innovations by rural economy SMEs, to boost their competitiveness.

The project will influence positively by providing enhanced innovation support services for over 5% of rural economy SMEs in partners’ regions, improved horizontal & vertical cooperation among SMEs in rural areas for products commercialisation, increased capacity of 200 staff of public administrations to effectively implement policies, stimulating innovation adoption by rural economy SMEs and over 10 million euros of investments unlocked to promote innovative technologies & new business models.



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PannonNovum logo cmyk engzemgale


Project's news:


Development of Outdoor Adventure Tourism Network

black-sea-logoFrom January 2014 Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency became a part of international consortium of eight organizations from Black Sea region (Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Georgia, Turkey) project Development of Outdoor Adventure Tourism Network, co-funded by "Black Sea Basin 2007-2013".

"CCC – Cooperation Creates Competitiveness" Project


CCC Logo4Project "CCC – Cooperation Creates Competitiveness " aims to strengthen the promotion of cooperation between the various institutions and organizations providing learning opportunities for all stakeholders by using modern technology. All participants in the project are well known in their own countries and organizations providing training and advice to small and medium enterprises.

Sharing of best practices and new knowledge will be implemented through seminars and conferences. During the conferences and seminars, partners, will be working on teaching methods that organizations participating in the project will be able to use when counselling offered to small and medium business. All results will be presented to the participants in the form of an electronic database of English.

Beneficiaries of the project will be providers of training institutions, small and medium enterprises, which will be able to share experiences and ideas.

The project will encourage the formation of networks of cross-border cooperation between small and medium companies.


Project partners:

1. Europe Direct Information Center/Regional Economic Development Agency - Stara Zagora;

2. Europe Export Consult A/S - Charlottenlund, Copenhagen;

3. Fundación Universidad Empresa de le Región de Murcia/University of Murcia;

4. LIBERTAS - Europäisches Institut GmbH - Rangendingen/Baden-Württemberg;

5. EUROCOM – Italy;


Main objectives of the project are:

1. Promoting and enhancing the quality of opportunities for cooperation between institutions and organizations providing training, small and medium enterprises and social partners.

2. Facilitate the development of innovative practices in the field of professional training.


1. Organizing project meetings.

2. Provide information on the country of each partner

3. Taking part in the working group and helping to fulfil the objectives and goals.

4. Taking part in monitoring and evaluation of the project.

5. Contribution to the promotion and product distribution.

6. Organizing workshops and conferences.


Planned activities:

1. Preparation and implementation of the first project meeting - October 2013;

2 .Establishment of working groups - in November 2013;

3 .Activities to create a web site - January 2014;

4 .Second project meeting - March 2014;

5 .Assessment of achievement of the project to date - September 2014;

6 .Third project meeting - October 2014;

7 .Fourth project meeting - March 2015;

8. Inform stakeholders - April 2015

9. Project Evaluation - June 2015;

10.End of the project - July 2015;

Implementation of the project will contribute to the understanding and the exchange of information and cooperation in order to provide a platform for presenting the latest development tools and innovations for analyzing existing and future identification of methods and activities to meet the goals and objectives of EOROPE 2020.

OP "Human Resources Development" - Take your life into your own hands


DEADLINE: August 5, 2011

AMOUNT OF FINANCING: Total budget of the scheme - BGN 11,000,000.

· Minimum amount of the grant - BGN 50,000

· Maximum amount of the grant - BGN 200,000

The current grant procedure does not require the applicant's own participation (co-financing).

The de minimis rules will apply under this scheme.


Eligible applicants under this grant scheme

financial assistance are:

· Educational institutions;

· Training institutions / organizations;

· Employers;

· Vocational guidance centers;

· Non-governmental organizations.

To be eligible, the applicant must also meet the following requirements:

1. The applicant must be registered in accordance with applicable national law;

2. The applicant shall meet the requirements for public funding, in accordance with the provisions relating to the minimum aid, in accordance with the conditions of Section 2.2.2. from the application guidelines;

3. The candidate cannot be a state / central and / or territorial / and / or municipal administration;

4. The applicant must carry out activity on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria in accordance with the current Bulgarian legislation;

5. The applicant, when applying in his capacity of VTC, should have a license from NAVET for the professions and / or specialties in which the training will be conducted;

6. The candidate, when applying in his capacity as an educational institution, should be established by an act of the respective competent body according to the Bulgarian legislation;

7. The representatives of the training team should meet the state requirements for carrying out the relevant adult training;

8. Where the applicant is an employer, he / she should fill in a declaration in advance stating the need for a specific skilled workforce and committing himself / herself to providing an internship opportunity for a period of three months to all successfully completed representatives of the target group;

9. Where the applicant is not an employer, there should be a prior agreement with the employer for the needs of a specific skilled workforce and a commitment from the employer to provide an internship opportunity for a period of three months to all successfully completed representatives of the target group;

10. Where an applicant is a non-governmental organization applying for a grant scheme, they should have at least 2 years of experience in activities related to the promotion of the inclusion of vulnerable persons in the market for

integration of vulnerable groups and / or vulnerable ethnic groups, which should be described in detail in the Application Form

11. The applicant should be directly responsible for the management and implementation of the project activities, and not to act as an intermediary, as evidenced by the distribution of activities and the distribution of funds in the budget of the applicant and the partner.

Under this call for proposals, the Applicant may participate individually or in partnership.

When a non-governmental organization is not a Candidate, it must be included as a Partner.


Eligible activities under this grant scheme:

· Identification of the discouraged persons among the marginalized communities (especially in the areas with compact Roma population), as the activity must be performed by an NGO, regardless of whether it is a candidate or a project partner;

· During the implementation of the activity the beneficiaries should develop / apply an adequate methodology for carrying out the identification, a real product describing it should be applied for reporting, as well as documents (surveys, interviews, etc. with the representatives of the target group) certifying the real implementation of the activity.

· Motivational training for the discouraged persons for registration in the Directorates of Labor Office and inclusion in training and employment programs. The activity should be provided in the project proposal, and the training itself will be carried out by employees in the respective Directorate "Labor Office".

· Development and adaptation of special training courses and programs;

· Providing training:

Ø for acquiring or raising the professional qualification according to the List of professions to not higher than second degree of professional qualification;

Ø for acquisition of key competencies. Trainings in the following areas of key competencies are eligible:

• Communication in foreign languages.

• Mathematical competence and basic knowledge in the field of natural sciences and technologies.

• Digital competence.

• Learning ability.


National Rural Network Bulgaria for Stara Zagora Region

logo_selska.jpgОт началото на 2013 г. Агенцията за регионално икономическо развитие - Стара Загора е регионална точка на Звеното за управление на Националната селска мрежа за област Стара Загора. Павлина Господинова е регионален координатор за областта. 

Сред дейностите, които ще изпълнява са: осигуряване на обмяна на оперативна информация между Звеното за управление на НСМ и членовете на мрежата на местно ниво, насърчаване набирането на членове на мрежата, организиране и провеждане на регионални мероприятия, набиране на добри практики от проекти, изпълнени в областта и подпомагане на други дейности, залегнали в Плана за действие на НСМ.

Всеки, който иска да поднови членството си в НСМ или да стане нов член, може да попълни заявката за членство и да я изпрати на мейла на АРИР - Стара Загора - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Promoting and Implementing Strategies for risk Management and Assessment PRISMA



Starting date: January 1st 2013  Ending date: June 30th 2014

Duration in months: 18



Name of coordinating beneficiary (CO): Veiligheidsregio Zuid-Holland Zuid (Safety Region South-Holland South), NETHERLANDS

Name of associated beneficiary (AB1): Municipality of Mirandela, PORTUGAL

Name of associated beneficiary (AB2): Municipality of Aveiro, PORTUGAL

Name of associated beneficiary (AB3): Tallinn City Government, ESTONIA

Name of associated beneficiary (AB4): Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency (SZREDA), BULGARIA



A.    Cross-sectoral implementation of the risk assessment and risk management (prevention) strategy as described in the handbook of the InterregIVC project MiSRaR (Mitigation Spatial Relevant Risks in European Regions and Towns) for the priority risks of the participating partners.

B.     Promoting to and knowledge exchange between other local, regional and provincial governments and cross-sectoral risk management partners within the European Union (and associated states) of:

-       the concepts, strategies, best practices and lessons learnt on risk assessment, risk management and the relation with disaster preparedness as described in the aforementioned handbook;

-       the practical experiences with the implementation of the handbook as described under objective A;

-       the consequences of the ‘EU staff working paper on Risk Assessment and Mapping Guidelines for Disaster Management' for local, regional and provincial governments and the possibilities for connecting national and decentralized risk assessment and risk management policies.




Project activities:


Task ID

Task Title

Start Date

End Date



Building a risk management network (in all implementation areas)


< 1-1-2013


A.1Performing a stakeholder analysis (x5)

A.2Organizing a partner advice and counselling meeting

A.3Organizing a local kick-off meeting to reach agreement with the relevant stakeholders on the risk management process (x5)


Performing a risk assessment

(in all implementation areas)



B.1  Identifying risk sources and vulnerabilities (x5)

B.2  Analysing impact and probability of relevant risk scenarios (x5)

B.3  Preparing political risk evaluation (x5)

B.4  Organizing a partner advice and counselling meeting

B.5  Organizing two local risk assessment meetings (x5)


Performing a capability assessment

(in all implementation areas)



C.1 Identifying potential prevention and preparedness capabilities/measures (x5)

C.2 Analysing costs and benefits for the potential measures (x5)

C.3 Preparing proposal for measures (x5)

C.4 Organizing a partner advice and counselling meeting

C.5 Organizing two local capability assessment meetings (x5)


Developing an implementation strategy



D.1Developing a strategy for financing of the proposed measures (x5)

D.2Developing a strategy for lobby and advocacy to all stakeholders (x5)

D.3Developing a strategy for monitoring and enforcement (x5)

D.4Organizing a partner advice and counselling meeting

D.5Organizing a local implementation strategy meeting


Promoting lessons on MiSRaR's risk assessment and risk management strategy    (publicity / dissemination)



E.1  Making a project factsheet

E.2  Organizing 3 conferences to disseminate the PRISMA project results and the MiSRaR handbook

E.3  Dissemination of the results on the MiSRaR / PRISMA Website

E.4  Making 4 newsletters and 4 press releases

E.5  Making a Layman's report

E.6  National dissemination


Project management and reporting to the commission



F.1  Organizing a kickoff meeting (combined with 1stadvice and counselling meeting and steering committee)

F.2  Reporting on results and finance

F.3  Organizing 2 steering committee meetings

F.4  Organizing a closing meeting with project evaluation




Project's news:

Hand Knit Crafts of Stara Zagora, Creating a Sustainable Enterprise


This project continues the work begun last year under the "Creating Favourable Conditions for the Employment of Disabled People in the City of Stara Zagora" project.

Small Enterprises Strategic Development Training

strategy-train-logoleonardoSTRATEGY-TRAIN has been selected for co-financing under the Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci.


Small Enterprises Strategic Development Training

November 2008 – 31. October 2010 (24 months)

Innovative Vocational Training Approaches in Small and Micro Enterprises

trainsme-bgleonardoThe TrainSME project has been funded with support from the Leonardo da Vinci Programme.

REDA is a partner and national coordinator for Bulgaria in a project for introducing innovative vocational Training approaches in Small and Micro Enterprises (TrainSME). It aims at the improvement of the vocational training system in small and micro enterprises.

Entreprenership Support for the Development of the Small and Medium-Size Enterprises Sector in Stara Zagora

euflagThe project is funded under the PHARE Programme BG 0102.05 LABOUR MARKET INITIATIVES.

We successfully completed, for the first time, the design and implementation of a training program for micro-firms. T his was also the first time this type of specialized training was made available to the SME's in three important sectors of the local economy (furniture, textiles and food processing machine building). This project was funded under the PHARE Programme (Labour Market Initiative Project).

Strategic Planning - Training for Municipal Councilors from Stara Zagora Region Municipalities

This project was funded under the Europractice 2003 Programme of the Open Society Foundation – Sofia.


It was designed to build the capacity of the municipal councils in the Stara Zagora Region for defining their strategic priorities in community development and was targeted for the municipal councilors who were elected for the first time during the last local elections in October 2003.

Building a Positive Image of the Local Governments

Building a positive image of the local governments of Galabovo, Radnevo and Chirpan as a foundation for creating confidence in citizens and external partners, funded by USAID through the Foundation for Local Government Reform (Sept. 2002 - Sept. 2003)

usaidflgrThe aim of thе project was to involve citizens to actively participate in solving community issues and to assist local governments to develop better image before their citizens and outside partners. As a result of the project implementation in the target municipalities:

Information centre of the EUROPE DIRECT network - Stara Zagora

ed-networkThe Project is co-financed by the European Commission.


 The Europe Direct gives to citizens:

  • General information about EU matters in any of the official EU languages
  • An answer to questions on any European Union policy
  • Practical information on dozens of subjects: for example, how to get your qualifications recognised or how to complain about unsafe products
  • Contact details of relevant organisations they may need to deal with
  • Advice to help them overcome practical problems with exercising their rights in Europe




Capacity building for entrepreneurship development and employment promotion in the municipalities of Stara Zagora Region

PHARE BG 9915-01-051 - Capacity building for entrepreneurship development and employment promotion in the municipalities of Stara Zagora Region, affected by the restructuring of the mining industry (October 2001 – October 2002)
The project was funded by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy under the EU PHARE Programme.

Customer service training program

Development and implementation of a customer service training program for employees of municipal and state government agencies and private businesses, FLGR.

Micro-credit program for small entrepreneurs

Implementation of a micro-credit program for small entrepreneurs, supported and funded by Catholic Relief Services – Bulgaria (June 1999 - June2000)

Project Green Infrastructure Network (Green InfraNet), funded by the INTERREG IVC Operational Programme of the European Commission

greeninfranet logo for office printing colorFrom January 2012 the Agency for Regional Economic Development - Stara Zagora is part of an international consortium of 12 partner organizations from 10 countries who implemented the project Green Infrastructure Network (Green InfraNet), funded by the INTERREG IVC Operational Programme of the European Commission, the category "Regional Initiative Project ", Priority 2 'Environment and risk prevention" subcategory "Biodiversity and conservation of natural heritage."дство".

Social Entrepreneurship Strategy Planning (SESP)


Social Entrepreneurship Strategy Planning (SESP)

PROJECT DURATION: 1 October 2011 – 30 September 2013 (24 months)

The SESP project intends to transfer a developed innovative learning models and (e-) learning content which are flexible enough to address the specific needs of the Social Entrepreneurship (time and place flexibility), are adoptable and modular (different backgrounds, sectors) and reflect the practical needs of the end users. The project intends to upgrade the developed under Strategy-Train learning model on enterprise strategy and strategic management for decision-makers in SMEs. The intangible outcome of the SESP project is innovation of the available curriculum and training programmes, which will be adapted to address specific Social Entrepreneurship needs in strategic planning. The target group is also approached throughout good practice examples and case studies.

SESP focuses on managers / decision-makers of social enterprises, regardless of the sector to which they belong.

  • Primary target group: Managers / owners / decision-makers of social enterprises
  • Secondary target group: Educational institutions, trainers, tutors, coaches, consultants

Website: http://sesp-project.eu

SZREDA was entered as a Regional Tourism Association at the National Tourism Register

By letter of Ministry of Economic, Energy and Tourism  12-00-1635/29.11.2011, SZREDA was informed that it was entered as a Regional Tourism Association at the National Tourism Register grounds to Art. 59, paragraph 1 in reference to Art. 61 of the Law on Tourism

Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”

The strategic objective of the HRD OP is to improve the quality of life of people in Bulgaria through enhancement of the human capital, achievement of high employment levels, improvement of the productivity, access to high-quality education and lifelong learning and strengthening the social inclusion.

Creating Favourable Conditions for the Employment of Disabled People in the City of Stara Zagora

The project is funded by the Small Grant Scheme of the British Embassy in Sofia.

In January 2004, REDA began a very successful project designed to improve the social and economic integration of disabled people in the region. The project, funded by the Small Grant Scheme of the British Embassy in Sofia, was completed in August 2004.

Demonstrating Democracy

Demonstrating Democracy: Improving Transparency and Freedom of Information in Local Governments in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia, funded by the US State Department (July 2002 - July 2003)

Capacity Building for the Accelerated Growth of the SME

Participant and supporting agency in a PHARE project "Capacity Building for the Accelerated Growth of the SME Sector in Bulgaria" (2001/02)