6th final stakeholder meeting in Stara Zagora (Bulgaria) for the 6th semester of the GPP4Grwoth project.

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The meeting was held on 19 of September (Thursday) in the meeting room of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Stara Zagora The meeting was attended by 10 local stakeholders, representatives from the Stara Zagora Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Green Balkans and the Bulgarian Recycling Association.

During the meeting, Venelin Dobrev from SZREDA presented a presentation of the GPP4Growth project, the problems with the project, the goals for their solution and the achievements so far. After that Venelin presented the final version of the Action Plan for Bulgaria and discussed the measured incluced with the stakeholders . The team of SZREDA answered all the questions that were asked during the meeting.

All the proposed measures were discussed and received approval from the local stakeholder group in Bulgaria. The stakeholders ensured their support for the proposed measures and their implementation. All participants shared interest to promote the Action Plan and the measures that are set in it and help with their implementation and monitoring in the feature.

Participants in the meeting agreed that all measures are proposals that will lead to a more effective implementation of Green Public Procurement.

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Good practice from Bulgaria identified by SZREDA has been approved in the INTERREG Europe platform

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The team of Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency (SZREDA) received recognition for its work. A good practice that has been identified by the Agency in the scope of the GPP4Growth project has been approved and uploaded in the website of the project in the INTEEREG Europe platform. This means that the good practice from Bulgaria can be identified by any organization in the EU and transferred as inspiration from Bulgarian experience.

The title of the good practice is: From November 1, 2018, the Bulgarian administration stopped the paper exchange of documents

An international workshop organized by Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency has been identified as good practice on EU level

GPP4Growth EU FLAG 2The team of Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency (SZREDA) received recognition for its work. An international workshop that generated zero waste as an event was published as a good practice in the INTERREG Europe Platform platform that aims to exchange useful experience across the EU.

In the third semester of the project GPP4Growth, co-funded under INTERREG Europe as part of the project activities, SZREDA hosted an international thematic workshop on the implementation of environmental criteria in Green Public Procurement in Stara Zagora. The event lasted 2 days (May 16-17, 2018) and all GPP4Growth partners participated with members of their stakeholder groups and external experts. On May 16, in addition to the partners and their stakeholders, SZREDA invited local stakeholders from the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Transport, the Executive Environment Agency, the National Forest Agency and the managing authority of one of the operational programs in Bulgaria, which is part of the Ministry of Economy.

Fifth edition of Newsletter series of the GPP4Growth project, June 2019

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Dear reader,

Welcome to the fifth edition of the Newsletter series of the GPP4Growth project!

GPP4Growth is a European project funded by the INTERREG Europe Programme that aims to create opportunities for public authorities to stimulate eco-innovation, resource efficiency & green growth through Green Public Procurement (GPP).

127 General Stoletov Street,
6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
tel. (+359 42) 605007
E-mail: office@szeda.eu


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